Log into the Citywide Digital Library on Sora today for thousands of free e-books and e-audiobooks, just for NYC public school students. Get detailed instructions on how to access Sora today.
Looking for your next great read? Borrow these books in print from Murrow Library or read online in Sora.
Visit Murrow Library to borrow a print book from our collection! Once you pick out your book, see a library monitor or librarian at the circulation desk. They'll ask for your student ID/OSIS number and then check your book out for you to take home.
Students can borrow up to four books at a time for two weeks. If you need more time with a book, bring it to the library and we will renew it for you. Please return books as soon as you're done with them so others can read them! Seniors will need to get book clearance from the library before they graduate, so it's important to return all your library books on time.
You can find books in Murrow Library by browsing our collection, using our library map to find a specific section, or checking our online catalog (Destiny).
Did you know 30 minutes of reading can reduce stress as much as the same time spent doing yoga or watching a funny video? Research from the University of Sussex found that even six minutes of reading can lower heart rates and ease muscle tension. Reading could even make you live longer, according to a study from Yale University School of Public Health. They found that reading for 30 minutes each day could add two years to your life. Make a little more time for reading in your life and you will benefit psychologically and academically!