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GEOGRAPHY: The Land and the People: VENEZUELA

This Libguide is designed to provide information about how geography affects the development of a country, and the people in that country.




La geografia de un pais affecta el desrrollo del pais.  Explica


[How does the geography of a country affect the development of that country?]




La geografia de un pais affecta su gente.  Explica.

[How does the geography of a country affect the people of that country?]








UNA MARAVILLA NATURAL DEL MUNDO/A /Natural Wonder of the World

Catatumbo lightning is a natural phenomenon that occurs over the Catatumbo River in Venezuela. This phenomenon occurs primarily at the river's mouth, where it meets Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela's largest lake.

Catatumbo Lightning: Several factors converge to generate the unique conditions necessary for Catatumbo lightning.:

  1. Warm, moist air from the Caribbean Sea is pushed towards the Andes Mountains. There, it collides with cooler air descending from the peaks, creating a perfect storm.
  2. The shape of the local landscape forces the warmer air to rise rapidly, causing it to cool and condense into towering cumulonimbus clouds.
  3. Strong winds and temperature differentials generate electrical charges within these clouds.
  4. The cumulonimbus clouds, reaching heights above 5 kilometers, load up on static electricity.
  5. When the electrical potential within clouds becomes too high, it dissipates in the form of lightning.

We do not know when started the powerful light of Maracaibo Lightning – but this phenomenon has become a part of the tales of indigenous people. Thus, Wari people tell legends about an incredible amount of fireflies who have gathered here to pay tribute to the parents of creation.



Geography has an impact on how people live -- from the resources they have access to, to how they move through the world.  Their history, risks and comfort are all determined by where they sit on the map..


1.  It impacts the resources you have access to (and their quality).

2.  It determines how you (and goods) travel.

3.  It influences your culture:  Nature has long since been a source of inspiration for poets, writers, songwriters and artists throughout history, and the products of their creativity often become a lasting part of our culture.

4.  It might put you at risk or keep you safe:  Depending on where you live, you may be aware of geographic risks that a person in another country may not ever face.  (e.g. tsunamis in Thailand, avalanches in Switzerland , droughts in the Middle East)  The risk of natural disasters also impacts creativity and development - like a new building technology developed in Japan to stop buildings from crumbling in earthquakes., for example, chances are other countries want those resources too.  Often, this can be the difference between living in a peaceful nation and surviving a war.

5.  It can often determine your history:  If yu live in a country that has ntural resources like oil, diamonds, copper, cobalt

Conceptos Importantes al Pertencia a Geografia

Piensa en estos conceptos y haz conexiones:

  • resources [recursos]
  • travel and transportation [viajar y transporte]
  • culture [cultura]
  • risks [riesgos]
  • history [historia]