Inside your paper, give credit to the works you quote.
See examples of how to tell your readers where facts, paraphrases, or quotes in your paper come from at this site from the Purdue Owl, and their page specifically about citing author/author's names in text.
Author's Last Name, Author's First Initial. (Year). Title of book: Capitalize only first letter. Location: Publisher.
Note: For Location, you should always list the city and the state using the two letter postal abbreviation without periods. (NY; CA; MN).
Note: Some of the citations below may also include an article or chapter title and editors.
Browne, D. (2008). Goodbye 20th century: A biography of
Sonic Youth. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press.
Crampton, L., & Rees, D.(2003). Rock & roll year by year.
New York: DK Pub. in Association with the Rock and Roll
Hall of Fame and Museum.
Bennett, B. Shank, & J. Toynbee (Eds.), The popular
music studies reader (pp. 64-70).
Prager, M. (2008). Reason 4 power! The comprehensive guide
[Safari Books Online version]. Retrieved from http://proquest.