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Academic Integrity - Referencing, Citation & Avoiding Plagiarism: Book with three, four or five authors

This guide explains what referencing and citation is and how to use APA and MLA. It includes a short interactive tutorial on each style.

Book with three, four or five authors

Reference: First Author Last name, Initials., Second Author Last name, Initials., Third Author Last name, Initials., Fourth Author Last name, Initials., & Fifth Author, Last name, Initials. (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Example: Fennelly, M., Matthews,P.J., Morgan, L., & Bishop, R. (2014). Understanding Child Development. Dublin: Birch Press.

In-Text-Citation (First time mentioned in text):

  • First Author Last name, Second Author Last name, Third Author Last name, Fourth Author Last name and Fifth Author Last name (Year)….
  • (First Author Last name, Second Author Last name, Third Author Last name, Fourth Author Last name & Fifth Author Last name, Year)...


  • Fennelly, Matthews, Morgan, Bennett, and Bishop (2014) talk about the developing child….
  • Stages in child development have been proved to be universal (Fennelly, Matthews, Morgan, Bennett, & Bishop, 2014)...

In-Text-Citation (subsequently mentioned in-text):

  • First Author Last name et al. (Year)
  • (First Author Last name et al., Year)


  • Fennelly et al. (2014) describe…
  • It has been shown that children as young as two months can perceive changes in depth (Fennelly et al., 2014)...

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