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Academic Integrity - Referencing, Citation & Avoiding Plagiarism: Book with eight or more authors

This guide explains what referencing and citation is and how to use APA and MLA. It includes a short interactive tutorial on each style.

Book with eight or more authors

Include the first six authors, followed by three dots (ellipsis points) and then add the final author’s name.

Reference: First Author Last name, Initials., Second Author Last name, Initials., Third Author Last name, Initials., Fourth Author Last name, Initials., Fifth Author Last name, Initials, & Sixth Author Last name, Initials.,…Last Author Last name, Initials. (Year). Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Example: Alstrap, M., Enright, A., Mansfield, J., Bartkiewicz, M., Lee, J., Byrne, D.,…Milligan, S. (2014). Realising giftedness. Dublin: Birch Press.


  • First Author Last name et al. (Year)
  • (First Author Last name et al., Year)


  • Alstrap et al. (2014) discuss how giftedness must also be nurtured...
  • To achieve their potential gifted children must receive coaching and focussed support (Alstrap et al., 2014).

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