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Academic Integrity - Referencing, Citation & Avoiding Plagiarism: Print newspaper article

This guide explains what referencing and citation is and how to use APA and MLA. It includes a short interactive tutorial on each style.

Print newspaper article

Reference: Author(s) Last name, Initials. (Year, Month Day of publication). Article title. Newspaper title, Volume and/or Issue number (if applicable), pp. page numbers.

Example: Dempsey, A. (2003, August 19). A shoulder to lean on in the lonely crowd: Feet on the street, a new project by the Samaritans. The Irish Times, pp. 11.


  • Author(s) Last name (year)
  • (Author(s) Last name, year)


  • Dempsey (2003) wrote that...
  • An article (Dempsey, 2003) appeared at the time….


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