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Academic Integrity - Referencing, Citation & Avoiding Plagiarism: Conferences

This guide explains what referencing and citation is and how to use APA and MLA. It includes a short interactive tutorial on each style.


Reference: Presenter(s) Last name, Initials (Year, Month). Title of paper. In Editor(s) Initial, Last name (Ed.) Title of conference proceedings (Page numbers). Place of publication: Publisher.                                                                                              

Example: Jones, M.K., (2010) Distance learning in Dublin. In M. Forrester (Ed.) Proceedings of a One-Day International Conference Dealing with Distance Leaning in Ireland (pp. 210 - 258). Dublin: Collins Press.  


  • Author(s) Last name (year)
  • (Author(s) Last name, year)                 


  • Jones (2010) argued….
  • Another participant (Jones, 2010) argued….                           


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